How to Do Kas Glute Bridge to Sculpt Your Dream Booty?

Shayla Whitter

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While many exercises can help you achieve your desired booty shape, the Kas Glute Bridge is one of the most popular and effective. It’s no secret that a strong glute bridge is a key to developing killer glutes, but what exactly is a Kas bridge?

What Is a Kas Glute Bridge?

Sculpt Your Dream Booty with the Kas Glute Bridge

Kas Glute Bridge is named after a popular fitness coach Kassem Hanson; gained massive popularity recently. But there are some question marks yet to be discussed and researched.

Previously glute bridge was considered a good option for the activation of glutes but Kas bridge marginally increase the activation of glutes than regular glute bridge. 

Kas glute bridge is advanced form and it significantly tones your muscles. You must have been working on your glutes for quite some time. Now is the time to shape your booty in a unique manner. Give this article a read to know more about Kas glute bridge exercise and how it works?

Kas Glute Bridge Muscles Worked

When it comes to Kas glute bridge the range of motion is lower than hip thrust. In the Kas glute, your hips are in full extension to lift a barbell that puts maximum pressure on your butt muscle, specifically the gluteus maximus. 

According to ACE, Kas Glute strengthens your glute muscles. In case you have weak glute muscle, your body tends to shift your weight to the other muscles, like the hamstring and quadriceps, to maintain balance. Such a situation may lead to some serious injury. 

On the other hand, if you perform the Kas glute correctly, your pelvis muscles are fully stable, which ensures your lower body is working fine. 

With all the other differences between the Kas glute and hip thrust, the Kas glute bridge strictly focuses on the glutes. People often feel their glutes are not working while performing hip thrusts. On the other hand, the hip thrust needs more power and movement. 

In hip thrust, mostly your quads and hamstring are involved, and there is a lot more force from the ground. While in Kas glute bridge, the target is only your buttocks

During most exercises, your core protects your spine. The main function of the core is to provide stability to your lower back and prevent the chances of back pain or any serious injury.

Hip Thrusts Vs. Kas Glute Bridge

The hip thrust exercise is often used to compare the Kas glute bridge. The main differences between the two moves are the amount of time the muscle is under tension and what the exercise is meant to do.

The primary distinction between the two is found in the posture that is put up. You can target those muscles more efficiently when you exercise your glutes while lying on an elevated platform like a bench or box.

The Kas glute bridge is a slow, controlled exercise to build muscle and strength. On the other hand, the hip thrust exercise is meant to increase speed and power. Both exercises use the same muscles but work them in very different ways.

How to Do Kas Glute Bridge?

The posture of the movements, in combination with the slow and controlled tempo, makes the Kas glute bridge so effective for growing muscle and strength in the glutes. 

Equipment Required:

  • Weighted Bench
  • Barbell
  • Weight Plates
  • Barbell Pad (Optional)

You can use a kettlebell or even dumbbells if you don’t have a barbell or a weight plate.

Here is how you do it:

  • To do the Kas glute bridge exercise, rest the middle of your shoulder blades on a bench or box and put your feet a little further apart than your hips. If you want to use weight, put a barbell or hex dumbbell in the crease of your hips and hold it with both hands.
  • To start the Kas glute bridge exercise, slowly lower your hips two to three inches while keeping your lower back flat, your knees strong, and your glutes engaged.
  • Once you’re at the bottom of the move, push through your heels and lift the 45lb barbell to the ceiling by extending your hips. This will bring you back to the starting position while keeping your posture straight. Your shoulders and knees should form a straight line, with your knees lined up with your heels and bent at 90-degree angles.
  • Get back to the starting position by lifting the hips until the shoulders and knees form a straight line.

Related Article: How to Do the Glute Bridge for a Well-Formed Booty?

Benefits of Kas Glute Bridge

Shaping up your booty is not just to enhance your physical appearance but in fact, it brings along various benefits as well. Here are a few of them.

  1. It’s A Safer Alternate To Other Glute Workouts

Exercises like hip thrusts and glute bridges are the most common workouts when training glute muscles. Unfortunately, these workouts require you to move your butt up and down. Since posture and movement are challenging, many bounce off the hips instead of performing controlled movements.

Practicing such movements not only increases your risk of hurting your lower back, spine, and even your tailbone.

On the other hand, Kas glute bridges allow you to make small yet controlled movements. This means you’ll be required to graze the floor with your hips instead of lying down and then lifting them back up, all the while keeping the focus on glute muscles so you can build stronger glutes.

  1. Your Glutes Are Your Sole Focus 

When it comes to keeping the workout focused on the glute muscles, Kas glute bridge is a great workout. While many might say that the kas glute bridge is a posterior chain muscle exercise, its main focus is on the glute muscles, allowing you to improve hip stability.

If you’ve got stronger gluteal muscles, you’ll feel the pressure in your glute region, whereas a weaker glute will put more pressure on the hamstrings.

  1. Greater Resistance For A Greater Challenge 

Another great benefit of the Kas glute bridge is that if you want to challenge your muscles, you can always intensify the workout by adding more resistance.

You can start with just your body weight to master your moves first. Once you know exactly how to control your movements, you can keep adding more weight by placing a barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell, or a weight plate on your hip crease.

If you’re still not feeling enough resistance, you can always go for heavier weights and keep challenging your muscles.

Variation of Kas Glute Bridge 

If you’re feeling uncomfortable placing a heavy barbell on the crease of your hips, here are a few variations you can try:

  1. Dumbbell Or Kettlebell Or Weight Plates 

If you’re working out at home and don’t have access to heavy barbells, or your barbell keeps rolling away from you when you’re lifting your hips, trying to use dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight plates can be a great option.

They don’t just provide you with sufficient resistance; in fact, using these weights can help you build up your strength in a progressive manner, where you will be better able to understand how much weight you can lift without hurting yourself.

Once comfortable with a certain weight, you can always go for heavier dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight plates.

  1. Single-leg Kas Glute Bridge 

If you want to challenge yourself, the single-leg Kas glute bridges are the way to go.

All you have to do is lift one leg while balancing yourself with the other and perform as many reps as possible. 

Once you’ve reached your desired number of reps, switch your weight onto the other leg and repeat the same amount of reps on the other side.

Training one leg at a time will also help you identify any muscle imbalances in your legs, for example, if you’re easily able to perform 15 reps on the leg but are finding it excruciatingly difficult to make it to 12 reps on the other, you probably have a muscle imbalance.

Performing a single leg kas glute bridge allows you to train one side at a time to avoid muscle imbalances. 

Tips For Performing The Perfect Kas Glute Bridge

If you need more time to read all the workout guides and the variations, don’t be!

We have a few tips and tricks to perform the perfect kas glute bridge exercise so you can target your glutes better and shape up your booty.

  1. Maintain Your Core Strength 

The kas glute bridge exercise requires attention and a focused mind and muscle connection, as it involves very little range of motion. Therefore, maintaining the core strength is the first tip to perform the perfect kas glute bridge.

To maintain your core strength, avoid arching your back, and maintain a stable stance, you must suck your belly to your spine, ensuring an engaged core and a stable body.

Once your core is engaged correctly, you can lift your glutes off the floor and continue the workout.

  1. Gradually Build Up The Intensity

Whenever starting a strength training exercise, it is essential to use your body weight first. This will ensure that you understand the target muscles and mentally connect with them. 

Once you understand the movements, can engage the right muscles, and are not losing momentum, you can gradually add more weights to challenge your muscles.

  1. Quality Over Quantity 

One of the most important things to remember when performing the Kas glute bridge is to prioritize the quality of your repetitions over the number of repetitions.

You need to focus on how well-controlled and stable reps you can perform. Where you don’t arch your back, don’t lose your muscle control, keep your core engaged, and stabilize your body.

Go for quantity in this particular exercise. You won’t be able to enjoy the mind-muscle connection, may start putting pressure on your calves and hamstrings instead of your glutes, and ultimately end up with the same unflattering glutes.

So ensure you focus on how nicely you execute your instead of how many.

  1. Body Alignment 

The one last tip we believe you must know when practicing the kas glute bridge workout is the body alignment.

Yes, keeping the body alignment in check is extremely important to avoid any injuries. Firstly, it is essential to keep your feet at a proper distance. You must keep your feet a few inches away from your hips so that your knees are right on top of your ankles.

With feet open at a distance and hips over ankles, posture will ensure that you’re neither unnecessarily pressuring your lower back nor making this glute workout more of a knee and quadricep workout.

Secondly, to ensure you’re properly engaging your muscles and are targeting the glute solely, make sure your shoulders, hips, and knees align in a straight line from the top. Make sure to squeeze your hips tightly when you’re at the top while maintaining your core engagement and lowering your hips down solely.

How to Add the Kas Glute Bridge to Your Workout

When you feel ready to do a Kas glute bridge, you should start with just your body weight or a light dumbbell to work on your form. Start light and work your way up to what we say about every exercise.

You should do the Kas glute bridge about once a week to get the benefits of building your booty. With the Kas bridge, you’re not going super heavy. You’re going for hypertrophy, which means growing and getting stronger muscles.

Three to five sets of 10 to 20 reps is what we would suggest. Of course, the number of reps and sets you need to progress will depend on your fitness level, aptitudes, and goals. Talk to a trainer for personalised advice.

On the other hand, if you have problems with your spine, discs, or nerves, you should talk to a professional and be careful when doing the Kas glute bridge, hip thrusts, and floor glute bridges. This is to avoid getting hurt.

It’s not that you can’t do these exercises; you have to be very aware of your positions. Heavy hip thrusts are not a good idea because they can easily throw you out of a good position.

The Kas glute bridge is a little bit more focused on the position so it can be a little bit safer. Still, it doesn’t hurt to be safe and talk to a professional before you start the exercise.

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How to Avoid Injury While Doing the Kas Glute Bridge

Whether you’re doing a traditional glute bridge, a basic hip thrust, or the Kas glute bridge, you should tuck your tailbone and keep your lower back from arching.

This is a common mistake that can lead to injury. According to Hannah Davis, CSCS’s founder of Body By Hannah and a certified personal trainer said, “We want to be extending from the hips, not the lower back.”

Moreover, your knees should be aligned with your ankles and parallel to your hips. That’s so you isolate at the hip and don’t let the body move too much. This makes sure the exercise works the glutes.


1. How does Kas Glute Bridge work?

The Kas Glute Bridge is a glute exercise that targets the muscles in your booty to help shape, tone, and strengthen them. This movement involves lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor in front of you.

Next, you will raise your hips up until they are fully extended and hold this position for several seconds before lowering back down to the starting position.

2. How can I track progress when performing the Kas glute bridge?

The simplest way to check Kas glute bridge progress is to check weight and measurement changes, comparing your previous anthropometric measurement when you were performing other exercises targeting your glutes.

Another method is to see how many reps and sets you are completing without any fatigue. Slowly increase your reps and check how well your body is responding to it. 

3. How often can I perform Kas Glute Bridge?

When you are starting with Kas glute bridge, you can perform twice or thrice in a week. With time you can increase its frequency depending on how your body is responding. 


The Kas glute bridge is an exercise that is more effective and far safer than other exercises and allows you to focus entirely on your glute muscles.

While performing this seemingly easy exercise, it’s essential to do it correctly to avoid any injury. Keep your feet parallel and shoulder-width apart, drive through your heels to raise your hips, focus more on the quality of reps performed instead of the quantity, and try not to arch your back or let your knees cave in.

If you’re new to exercise, start with bodyweight only and gradually add weight as you get stronger. The Kas glute bridge is an excellent exercise for toning your butt and improving hip mobility. Give it a try next time you’re looking for a new challenge!

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